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Birthday Sweets from Parvati and Cafe Ilustrado

Just want to post an entry with all of the sweet and delish desserts I got on my birthday this year, October 25 2014. Most were from Parvati and the NY cheesecake was from Ilustrado.

Dark chocolate revel bars P310 for 10 pcs

Sansrival Cake

Cream Cheese Brownies P75 for 2 pcs

Assorted Macaroons P180 for 12 pcs

Mini Blueberry Cheesecakes P165 for 6 pcs

New York Cheesecake. From Cafe Ilustrado Exactly P656.67 or $14.41

The revel bars weren't that good, as well as the macaroons & cream cheese brownies. The sansrival cake was okay. The best dessert from Parvati were the mini blueberry cheesecakes. :)

The NY cheesecake was already pretty good, but I've had better. :P