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Favorite Action Movie Actor: Jet li *Gasp* He is so cool! He is my idol!

For the past two months I have been watching Jet Li movies and must I say that he is definitely utterly completely absolutely and totally Cool!!! Yeah I have watched them all, The Mummy, The Wong Fei Hung Series, The One, War, Black Mask, Romeo must Die, Cradle to the Grave and many more. (Yeah took me two months to watch those, coz the only time I have to watch them is after I cook breakfast until before I cook lunch, which is 8-10am and after cleaning up after lunch until before my father arrives which is 12:30 until 2pm..*Weep* No matter how long it took to watch all of them I still wanna watch them again! Yosh!)

My most favorite movie above all is “The One”, coz it is the only movie where I saw Jet Li in cosplay. Well not really anime cosplay but he was wearing all these costumes to make other looks of Gabriel Yung Law, the character in the movie who has tons of twins across the universe. Plus this movie has a kick-ass soundtrack along with the amazing fight scenes of Jet Li against himself. ^_^ Weehee I’ve watched it like 10 times already and I still love it! yeah!
I’m just so amazed, astonished, fascinated, enthralled, and astounded with Jet Li. Plus he is incredibly cute! At least in my perspective.. Uhuh *Nod* You see, whenever I watch Jet Li, I feel that he is the personification of everything that I like in a guy. You know, he is a kind person, strong, loving, protective, subtle, composed, smart, and he kicks bad guy ass all the time. So yeah I think I kinda sorta *like* Jet Li too.
Jet Li Suki da!!!! Waiiii!!!!!