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Valentines in the Phil

Who ever saw people associate black with Valentines? Well, some morons did. And the country basically wore black on that day. I guess its okay, since its unique and fresh and since I like black a lot. ^_^ Oh but some other people still celebrated valentines with the usual red, we even went to a free valentine program in Robinsons. There my brother Bingo found his second girlfriend, Kate. ^_^ aheheheValentines wasn’t that much of a lovey dovey day for me anyway. It was a day for me to get the computer fixed because it was broken. The computer was broken because of a stupid AVR and I really hate it when it suddenly explodes out of the blue. Thank God to Ed-niisan, he fixed the pc free of charge. I just hope he wont get in trouble for it. ^_^ A dear friend of mine even has her birthday on the same day as valentines. Sianne just turned 21 that day, and well its pretty much a 2 for 1 deal. Mostly people often forget that its her birthday and only greet her Happy Valentines. Geez, how the hell can you forget it if its near a holiday? Same with another friend of mine Niña, her birthday is on Dec 27. 2 days after Chrsitmas, so I never forget it. Hihihi ^_^