
Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Giveaway Promo: EasyTaxi is Giving away Starbucks GCs, Lenovo tablets and more on Line!

Are you aware of EasyTaxi? How about the Line Messaging App?

If you don't know about either, then go ahead and search the app store on your phone to download them! XD

If you do know about them and you already have the apps installed on your phone then you're in luck.

EasyTaxi is giving away Starbucks GCs, Lenovo tablets and more on Line!

First thing you need to do is add the EasyTaxi Official Account as a friend on Line.

Once you've done that, just send "GoEasyTaxi as a message to them EVERYDAY until you get picked for a prize.

If you've seen my post about the Line App's free 1111 credits for calls giveaway, it's pretty much the same thing. The only difference is that the official account you're chatting with is EasyTaxi and the message you have to send everyday is "GoEasyTaxi"

Good Luck Everyone!


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