
Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Throwback Adventure: VA Glam Rock Party @Racks

This event was held back in 2013. It was September and its our Q3 RnR Party. It's just a simple Rewards and Recognition program with dinner and some games. But it's nice to see the pictures. The theme of the party is Glam Rock. Hence the black rock-ish outfit. :D

I got made up by Madame Carol. Makeup is still something very foreign for me to do by myself, so I really prefer if someone else does it hahaha.

It's the first time I got to eat at Racks. I've never tried their food before. So I was pretty excited that the party was held there. The food they served was a buffet style layout, and we pretty much got as much as we wanted of what was served.


So I got some carbonara, chili con carne, salad, and best of all bbq chicken. No ribs tho. :(

Overall it was an awesome party!

1 comment : Leave Your Comments

  1. You really look beautiful dear and food is also looking delicious. I have hired event venues Seattle for my party and I want them to serve food just like this. Hope they will meet my expectations.
