If you are in college and are in the last year of your studies, you are probably finished or finishing your thesis. For me, Im in the latter. The final year of studies is always where the thesis writing is placed because this is where you will show just what you have learned from the past four years of your study of whatever course you have taken. As for me, well I pretty much haven’t learned anything. It’s a headache really, having to make a thesis that you don’t even have the slightest idea how to make. This is partly the fault of our professors who don’t teach and simply don’t hold classes, but im at fault too for depending solely on what they will teach and not rely on my own efforts in order to learn. But its sickening to think that professors and other high people in the school to expect a great thesis when the students aren’t even equipped with the slightest of knowledge on how to make those thesis.
Our thesis is supposed to be a dynamic online publication system, where faculty and students can read and write news and other features about the IT Department of our school. I don’t even know how to make a website! What turned out was a static site that has to be edited in a separate application before being posted on the internet. Yes its actually not even near the concept but the idea is there. It’s an online publication with news minus the part where they can write the articles. There is also the problem of the blog and forum. Our teacher wants a blog and forum, but unfortunately we don’t know how to make one. Its crazy. I just hope we still pass, we just have to sucjk up to the professor’s a bit more and maybe hopefully we will be able to make it through.
Well making the thesis also has its good points, it had been a sort of a learning tool for me. I was really stupid when it came to designing web pages, creating databases, programming in php and all those stuff. If I will be ranked from 1 to 10, I would probably a -5 (negative 5) but after making half of the thesis I can proudly say that now Im a 2. Hihi Ahh! Whatever! If you want to see my rank 2 out of 10 site that is actually a static site then go here http://www.technozzette.com/
Our thesis is supposed to be a dynamic online publication system, where faculty and students can read and write news and other features about the IT Department of our school. I don’t even know how to make a website! What turned out was a static site that has to be edited in a separate application before being posted on the internet. Yes its actually not even near the concept but the idea is there. It’s an online publication with news minus the part where they can write the articles. There is also the problem of the blog and forum. Our teacher wants a blog and forum, but unfortunately we don’t know how to make one. Its crazy. I just hope we still pass, we just have to sucjk up to the professor’s a bit more and maybe hopefully we will be able to make it through.
Well making the thesis also has its good points, it had been a sort of a learning tool for me. I was really stupid when it came to designing web pages, creating databases, programming in php and all those stuff. If I will be ranked from 1 to 10, I would probably a -5 (negative 5) but after making half of the thesis I can proudly say that now Im a 2. Hihi Ahh! Whatever! If you want to see my rank 2 out of 10 site that is actually a static site then go here http://www.technozzette.com/
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