Okay so I have a computer that is already one year and two months old. It is just a simple black and white computer. I say that it is black and white first of all because its monitor is black and the system unit is white. I say it’s simple because it’s only got 256 MB of DDR1 Memory, 80G of hard disk space, 3.2 GHz P4 Processor, DVD Combo Drive and an ECS Motherboard. Not so high end is it? Well at least I am able to do my projects in it and everything else like watch anime movies and episodes, read scanned manga, play RPG and strategy games, among others.
It’s also got a printer that’s also 1 year and two months old and probably because I always refill the cartridge instead of just buying a new one. It’s gotten bonkers after some time and now it doesn’t print normally. Well, normally a printer is able to print in any setting may it be fast draft, normal, best or maximum dpi. But in the case of my printer none of the first three settings work, only maximum dpi works well. If you try to print in any other setting aside from maximum dpi, well you’ll just get a lot of crap. I really want to fix that printer you know.
One time when we were cramming for our documentation and presentation for our thesis defense and we really needed the documents to be printed immediately unfortunately for us the printer won’t cooperate. As I said the printer only works in maximum DPI and maxdpi setting takes 15 minutes to print just one page!. We ended up waiting for the printer to finish the whole document until 9 in the morning. That’s 55 pages of printing that took us the whole night and the rest of the morning. But at least we were able to print the document, even if we weren’t able to get a wink of sleep. If only the printer was working properly at that time we could have finished the document early and got a lot of sleep but alas what is done cannot be undone but still.
So my computer is a very versatile tool in creating all possible things that will be of use by me or anyone in my family or whomever asks. In my case, I make documents, presentations, graphic designs, programs, and movies. It could be related to school or just something I thought up on my own. If I just thought it on my own it is almost always connected with anime or whatever I am interested in at that time. My sister would use the pc for her projects. My brothers will use it to play games. My mom would use the computer for her visual aides and bulletin board decorations, and my father would use the computer for the computation of grades of his students.
So yah, I hope that my computer will be upgraded soon (by my father of course, coz he has the money and I don’t want to spend my money... hihi) and I hope that I won’t need to reformat anytime soon...
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